I decided for my first interview to style and shoot someone who I consider a GIRL BOSS! I've always admired her agility and strength through even the toughest situations. Her ability to deflect negative emotions and situations that threatens her well-being was always an amazement. Of course, I'm a little biased because she is my BFF for over a decade...I'm sure you understand. Schnel Francis is a powerhouse with amazing talent. She currently works as an Executive Assistant while simultaneously managing her business Belly Cast Ja.
Schnel describes herself as a BIG personality. "I consider myself a walking contradiction." There is no one word or phrase that can completely capture who she is. She is multifaceted really, there is no definite way to conceptualize her being. I found this interesting as people are always quick to box themselves in categories while she decidedly does not. Sometimes, the words we use to define us stifle our growth. Words have great power, they can hinder and they can propel you. But I believe that we need room for flexibility of self when identifying who we are. Please don't misunderstand, this doesn't mean that you should be so fluid that anything defines you. You should have a general idea of who you are but accept that with time comes experience which inevitably leads to growth and self-discovery.
I wanted to delve more into how she deals with negativity because this world has become increasingly negative and we all need a little help from those who have mastered the art of dealing with such behavior. "I deflect negativity in every way possible. If it's from one person whose compulsively negative, I avoid them. It's my life so I deliberately try to focus on the positives around me and be thankful for them. I live by the quote BLISSFULLY UNAWARE is sometimes the best states." Recognizing that people's negative thoughts and behavior have nothing to do with you and who you are is critical in how we deal with it. Leave people in the dust, do not bring those thoughts in your space, let them fester and be consumed by their issues.
"I'm Too MUCH to be Too LITTLE to someone" when she said this it struck a cord inside of me that resonated to my core. I strongly believe that everyone should live by this. Self-worth is so important especially in this new world we live in. Where feelings and intimacy are discarded like dirty rags and displayed for the whole world to see. When people are quick to display 'relationships' for a show but not completely connecting with the person they are with. It's incredibly wise to realize your worth and that your time is golden. Do not waste your time with people who do not recognize that. Walk away, even when its the hardest to do so.
"If I had the money to buy what I really wanted...I would be FLY AF! This is just a substitute, a means to an end." Developing your brand is a process, a painstaking one at that... But no matter where you are in life there is still a way to present yourself in the best light with the means you currently have. It's not necessary to go out and buy what's currently trending those fade and you might blend in like a chameleon when you want to do the total opposite. Schnel describes the Fashion Industry as a grey group of people. We all want to fit in and be unique in a trend which is unrealistic when everybody is wearing the said trend. It's like SHEEPs waiting to be fed. Often our fashion doesn't reflect our personality. They make clones of that one hit girl, manufacture it and we suck it up thinking its the most unique thing ever made. Like were is the individuality? I understand being inspired by someone's style but when we start looking like body doubles... We need to reassess.
Schnel is inspired by life and everything it entails. Living is about experiencing the moment, being in the here and now but doing what it takes to realizes the vision you have for the future. Her constant motivation is the want for more, to better all aspects of her life. She says in order to get the best you've got to just get up and go... And let's admit that's sometimes very hard to do. However, there is always that one thing to be thankful for, let that be your driving force.
To wrap up Schnel explains that Living her best life means LOOKING and FEELING her best. Being in the best spirit, being her best self, having the best life experiences, being around good people who influence her, being well styled and well traveled. Her definition takes on a totalitarian approach to life. The exploration of taking your ideal life out of your head and putting it into practice. How fantastic is that?
She hopes that in five years she'd be in a long-term relationship, has had one child, be settled financially, accomplishing major milestones and living her Bucket list.
Photos by GleamyPhotography
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